STT | Trường | Vị trí | Mức học bổng | Deadline |
1 | NL Scholarship (trước là Holland Scholarship) trường Applied | Aeres University of Applied Sciences | Tùy vị trí từng trường | EUR 5,000 | 1/4 |
2 | Amsterdam University of the Arts | 1/5 |
3 | ArtEZ Institute of the Arts | 1/5 |
4 | Breda University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 |
5 | Codarts Rotterdam | 1/5 |
6 | Design Academy Eindhoven | 1/5 |
7 | Driestar educatief | 1/5 |
8 | Fontys University of Applied Sciences | không thấy ghi |
9 | Gerrit Rietveld Academie | không thấy ghi |
10 | The Hague University of Applied Sciences | 20/5 |
11 | Hanze University of Applied Sciences | 31/5 |
12 | Hotelschool The Hague | 1/5 |
13 | Royal Academy of Art, The Hague | không thấy ghi |
14 | Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 |
15 | HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht | 1/5 |
16 | Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 |
17 | HAN University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 kỳ T9 19/10 kỳ T2 |
18 | HKU University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 |
19 | HZ University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 |
20 | NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 |
21 | Saxion University of Applied Sciences | không thấy ghi |
22 | Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences | 1/6 |
23 | Zuyd University of Applied Sciences | 1/5 |
24 | NL Scholarship (trước là Holland Scholarship) trường Research | Leiden University | Tùy vị trí từng trường | EUR 5,000 | 1/2 |
25 | Utrecht University | 1/2 |
26 | University of Groningen | Đợt 1: 1/2 Đợt 2: 1/6 |
27 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | 1/10 |
28 | Maastricht University | hiện tại đã đóng (21/3) |
29 | VU Amsterdam | 1/2 |
30 | Radboud University | 1/2 |
31 | Tilburg University | 1/5 (€ 10,000) |
32 | Delft University of Technology | 1/2 |
33 | Eindhoven University of Technology | 1/2 |
34 | University of Twente | 1/4 |
35 | Wageningen University | 1/5 |
36 | Theological University Apeldoorn | N/A |
37 | Theological University Kampen | 1/5 |
38 | Leiden University Excellence Scholarship | Leiden | € 10,000 hoặc € 15,000 hoặc 100% học phí | 1/2 kỳ T9 1/10 kỳ T2 |
39 | Utrecht Excellence Scholarships | | 100% + có khả năng SHP 1 năm | 1/2 |